Zhi Neng Qigong

  • reduce stress?
  • a better health?
  • a better physical condition?
  • a supple body?
  • better focusing?
  • more energy and power?
  • a higher sense of being?
  • establishing a clear mind?
  • raise your conscience?


What is Qigong?

Qigong exercises strengthens the energy flows in the body. This quickly results in a decrease in stress, improvement in physical and mental health, a higher ability to concentrate, a better condition and an increase in creative energy.

Relax your body and mind

Relax every fiber of your body / Relax your mind

Mind and body in sync

Bring your attention deep inside your body Adjust your mind


Control your emotions, expierende, feel, embrace and let go of everything that doesn’t feed you anymore

Meditation in motion

Qigong is meditative though without a focus on claering the head. We focus on our movement and the movement of our Qi which clears the head automatically

Qigong classes at Mu-Long
I teach in English:
every thursday evening from 19:00 - 21:00 hours

My Dojo holds up to 8 students

Personal attention

I teach both new and expierenced students

I provide theoretical readers, instruction video’s and audio

“do something your future self will thank you for”

Harmonize your body, mind and inner self.

Contact Mu-Long

Transform your body, mind, and life today.


Boreelstraat 49a
3039 WJ Rotterdam

phone / what's app

06 50235778
